Saturday, February 18, 2012

Birthday Wreath

My little girl's birthday is in 2 weeks, and I am planning a party as always.  I absolutely love celebrating her birthday.  I have always been a fan of my own birthday, but a lot of the fun and excitement fades away as you get older.  Ever since I had a child of my own, I got all of the fun and excitement back, only now it's for her.  But since she is a part of me, it's kind of like it's my birthday celebration too. =)
Anyway, I have been collecting ideas for several months on Pinterest.  This is one that I am really excited about.  The supplies cost a little more than I wanted to spend (who knew balloons are so expensive, especially in large quantities?) but I decided it was justified because I can reuse it every year.  Heck, I can even hang it up on my birthday!
You will need:
A straw wreath (mine is 14 inches)
About 3 bags of balloons in desired colors, 72 pack
216 floral pins, one for each balloon

There are 2 ways you can attach the balloons to the wreath.  You can either fold the balloon in half and place the pin over it, or you can stick the pin through the balloon.  About halfway through, I realized that it's better to stick the pin directly through the balloon, because that way they don't come undone.
Leaving the plastic wrap on the wreath, begin to attach the balloons with the pins.  It is easiest to do one row at a time.  I alternated colors, but you could do one row of each color if you like.  Angie helped me by handing me the balloons.  She enjoys helping me when she can. =)

Continue pinning the balloons until your wreath is full.  I ended up with about 3 rows, but I had plenty leftover to fill in the bare spots.  You could even do more rows, but you would need more balloons, and more balloons cost more money, so it's up to you.  Here is my beautiful finished wreath:
I can't wait to hang it on the front door to celebrate Angie's birthday!

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